Located at the heart of knit industry, Tirupur, near Coimbatore, Acme house stands a manufacturing experience of thirty five long years. Rapid growth in direct and indirect export business with European, Middle East and South American markets, paved way for the inception of the export division, know as Acme Exports. A one stop solution for all our customers' needs, from production to shipping; all processes are driven by our in house control.
Ever since inception, manufacturing and supplying of Knits and Wovens, has been central to all activities at Acme Exports. Our expert merchandizing department is well crafted to serve our clients in sourcing textile industry and assisting them in sampling and ideas. We specialize in large repertoire of fabrics, of every weight and weave. Clean and hygienic conditions of work are of prime importance to us. We adhere to international standards, while also keeping in lines with international social policy and maintaining supreme work standards with no juvenile employment.